Happy Friday Foodie friends! I'm glad it's the weekend and I'm SUPER excited to go see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince tonight at Imax. I'm sure it's going to be cool, but not nearly as cool as the book was. I actually just finished the last book this week. I put if off for a few years not wanting the series to end. Now it has for me and I have to say I am satisfied with the end, and also completely re-smitten with the series. But, I digress...on to last night's cooking adventure! Last night I must admit was a challenge, I had a few slip ups with the recipe video, but nothing too severe. I also found out there is a reset button in the tripod base of my Flip camera. Good stuff to learn while filming, and your camera freezes up. Thanks for saving the day Google! Well, with no further adieu, here is the recipe from Last night!
Sauce Directions Place 2 peaches in a blender and puree. Move puree into a small sauce pan and add sugar, orange olive oil, vinegar, garlic, onion, soy sauce and beef broth. Bring to a boil while stirring frequently. Once at a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
Steak Directions Coat the bottom of a large skillet with orange extra virgin olive oil. Heat skillet to a medium-high and arrange steaks in the olive oil. Cook for 5 minutes, turning occasionally. After 5 minutes, add the other 2 peaches to the skillet and brush down everything with the peach steak sauce and continue to cook until peaches become tender and brown.
To serve: Lightly toast the French or Italian bread. Place a piece of steak atop the bread and top with peaches. Pass the remaining peach sauce at the table for serving.
Good morning all! I'm super excited this morning because it's time to announce the winners from my first give away! So without further adieu, the winner of the Balsamic Vinegar Sampler Set is... Hank Bob of HankBobBBQ! Hank Bob sent a fantastic recipe for Balsamic Peach Glazed Pork chops that looks so mouth watering, I'm going to have to try it the next time I get pork chops from Lobster Gram. Here is a link to Hank Bob's recipe, and you guys should follow him on Twitter as well because he is awesome. So Hank Bob...your Sampler is going out of the warehouse today via FedEx Ground. Enjoy, congratulations and thanks for entering! It's people like you who make this a lot of fun! And our second winner does not have a blog, otherwise I would share it with you, but she sent in a fantastic tossed salad recipe that called for both the Balsamic Vinegar and the Citrus crushed olive oil. But anyway...our second winner is Michelle from Crisfield MD! Michelle, your olive oil sampler set will also be coming out of the Lobster Gram warehouse today via FedEx Ground. I hope you enjoy! Congratulations and thanks for entering! As for the rest of you fantastic foodies, there will be plenty more contests to participate in so check back often! Again, congratulations to HankBob and Michelle!
Good Monday Foodies! I hope everyone had an awesome weekend. I had a great weekend! It was beautiful here in Chicago after Friday night's storms so it was prime time to get outside and have some fun. I went to West Fest on Saturday, and for those of you who don't live in Chicago, West Fest is like a giant block party for the West Loop area of the city. It was a lot of fun, lots of great bands made it out (Woohoo Local H!)Ok...here is the LAST CALL for people who wish to enter my "O" Olive Oil or Balsamic Sampler Give Away! All submissions must be in by Midnight tonight, and I will be posting the winning recipe tomorrow. As far as the whole contest thing goes, I am a little disappointed that I didn't get more submissions, but I think I kinda know where I went wrong, and how to do it correctly next time (Yes...there WILL be a next time even if this one was a flop...I'm not giving up that easily lol). So yeah...if you have not entered the contest, and wish to do so...Here is your link!In honor of choosing our winners this week and sending them their fantastic sampler sets, I will be preparing a recipe that will use the California White Balsamic Vinegar as well as the Valencia Orange Extra Virgin Olive Oil (here after referred to as VOEVOO...because it makes me laugh).So this week's recipe is going to be......(drum roll please....)
I have not made this recipe in a long time and it's really a shame because this recipe just has Summer written all over it. Peaches are fresh and abundant now so it's really easy to get your hands on some beautiful big ripe peaches, and with the best steaks in the world sitting in our warehouse as we speak...it's time to bring back this classic summer favorite! Well foodies, I hope you have all had a great start to your week and I'll be back tomorrow with our winning recipes! Good luck to all!